Banquet and Jetboat Expo

The WWA hosts a banquet and jetboat expo each year at the beginning of spring – usually on a Saturday. The event is typically held at the Idaho Center in Nampa, Idaho to afford ample space for the jetboats, RVs, pickup trucks, and other items on display. The affair features live and silent auctions, numerous raffles and games, and lots of door prizes. There is a no-host bar and a buffet dinner. The doors generally open around 4:00 p.m. and the last attendees depart about 11:30 p.m.

The banquet is the WWA’s primary source of revenue for the year. It is well attended and supported by the membership, as well as the local business community. It is this event and the tremendous support it receives, that enables the WWA to sustain its on-going efforts to promote safe whitewater jetboating, family recreation, and access for all to rivers throughout the Northwest.

The WWA Banquet for 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, January 25th. As in the past, the banquet will be held at the Idaho Center in Nampa, Idaho – 16200 Can-Ada Road.
Doors opren at 4:00pm, dinner is served at 7:oopm

Buy your Banquet tickets online or print out a mail-in form on our Membership page. (click here)


Next Scheduled Date

  • February 2017

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